There are many beautiful, healthy native trees in Little Crum Creek Park.
Planting, maintaining, and labeling the native trees in the park is an ongoing project of the Friends of Little Crum Creek Park.
Native trees provide many ecological benefits, including conserving water, preventing soil erosion, and providing habitat and food for many different species such as birds, pollinators, and small mammals. Trees are also beautiful, easy to grow, and require minimal maintenance.
Download the list of the first 50 labeled native trees in the park.
1 | Kentucky Coffee | Gymnocladus dioicus |
2 | Dawn Redwood | Metasequoia glyptostroboides |
3 | Black Walnut | Juglans nigra |
4 | Red Oak | Quercus rubra |
5 | American Linden | Tilia americana |
6 | Sugar Maple | Acer saccharum |
7 | Sawara Falsecypress | Chamaecyparis pisifera |
8 | Honey Locust | Gleditsia triacanthos |
9 | Norway Spruce | Picea abies |
10 | Black Gum | Nyssa sylvatica |
11 | Yellowwood | Cladrastis kentukea |
12 | White Oak | Quercus alba |
13 | Rutgers Dogwood | Cornus x rutgersensis |
14 | London Plane Tree | Platanus x acerifolia |
15 | Red Maple | Acer rubrum |
16 | Yellow Birch | Betula lenta |
17 | Catalpa | Catalpa speciosa |
18 | Swamp White Oak | Quercus bicolor |
19 | Boxelder | Acer negundo |
20 | American Elm | Ulmus americana |
21 | American Elm | Ulmus americana |
22 | Tulip Tree | Liriodendron tulipifera |
23 | Hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana |
24 | River Birch | Betula nigra |
25 | White Pine | Pinus strobus |
26 | Pin Oak | Quercus palustris |
27 | Black Gum | Nyssa sylvatica |
28 | Black Gum | Nyssa sylvatica |
29 | Sassafras | Sassafras albidum |
30 | Chinkapin Oak | Quercus muehlenbergii |
31 | Tulip Tree | Liriodendron tulipifera |
32 | Tulip Tree | Liriodendron tulipifera |
33 | Red Buckeye | Aesculus pavia |
34 | Eastern Red-cedar | Juniperus virginiana |
35 | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus florida |
36 | Black Gum | Nyssa sylvatica |
37 | Sweet Gum | Liquidambar styraciflua |
38 | Kentucky Coffee | Gymnocladus dioicus |
39 | Canada Hemlock | Tsuga canadensis |
40 | Saucer Magnolia | Magnolia x soulangiana |
41 | Black Cherry | Prunus serotina |
42 | Bald Cypress | Taxodium distichum |
43 | Sweetbay Magnolia | Magnolia virginiana var. australis |
44 | Red Maple | Acer rubrum |
45 | Redbud | Cercis canadensis |
46 | Silver Maple | Acer saccharinum |
47 | Tulip Tree | Liriodendron tulipifera |
48 | American Elm | Ulmus americana ‘Heritage’ |
49 | Ginkgo | Ginkgo biloba |
50 | Cucumbertree Magnolia | Magnolia acuminata |